Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

The holiday season went by so fast! We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house with Jon's family this year. We had lots of food and lots of fun! We were in South Carolina with Dee's family for Christmas. We really enjoyed visiting family and friends, looking at Christmas lights, going to church, Christmas parties, and lots of yummy food! Christmas morning was really special. Poppi and Nana made a yummy breakfast! After breakfast we opened presents and enjoyed watching Mary Grace and her cousin Ella have fun with all of their new surprises! We are back in Arizona now and getting settled back in routines. I thought I would give an updated on our fertility treatment. We went through a cycle of intrauterine insemination before Christmas and was not successful. Our doctor told us that it takes an average of three cycles. I guess I was still hoping it work the first time. This was hard but we know God is in control and He has a great plan for our family. This infertility journey has been painful but has helped me realize that Mary Grace is our precious miracle. I am so thankful for Jon! He has been so supportive. He has loved me even when I have not been so lovable. I am also thankful for our family and friends of have loved on us during this time. The support of our family and friends has been so encouraging. We are planning to start a second cycle of intrauterine insemination with follistim at the end of the month. We will update again soon. Happy New Year!