Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tomorrow Jon and I have an appointment with our fertility doctor. My hcg levels are finally negative so we are ready to start another cycle. I am feeling some mixed emotions. I would like to say that I have it all together and I am ready to start a new cycle. I am actually scared, nervous, and a little bit anxious. I am telling myself these feelings are normal considering what happened with our last cycle. Although I am having some negative feelings my heart is filled with hope, faith and strength only God can give. I know that on my own I am a mess and so weak. Today I thought about what we went through these past few months and while it was hard I am reminded that God has walked this journey with us. Here are a few things I am so thankful for.
1. Realizing I can be satisfied in Christ alone
2. The people God has put in my life during this season
3. Realizing God cares about every detail of our life
4. Learning to trust God!
5. The money God has provided for fertility treatments
6. Jon and Mary Grace
7. Encouragement from family and friends
8. My mom's visit
9. Doctor and nurses
10. Medications
11. Hope
12. Lessons learned
13. Being a stay at home mom
14. Morning time with God
15. Faith
God has shown me so many things that I may not have learned if we did not go on this journey of fertility treatments. I truly thank God for loving me enough to allow us to grow and learn through this experience. I am thankful I am closer to Him because of it.

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